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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Simply Be

Do you ever feel like you are drowning in stuff ?

I feel like way too much of my everyday is spent cleaning up stuff.  Washing stuff.  Tripping over stuff.  Sweeping up stuff, washing stuff again.  The cycle repeats everyday and although I do find comfort in some routine, I can also see clearly now what is not necessary to make a happy life.  I feel like all this stuff is controlling my life, sucking up my time, and stealing away precious moments of the day.

I want to spend my moments with people and in the great outdoors.  I no longer wish to be a slave to my stuff and the notion that bigger is better.  

I have been thinking a lot about simplifying in the last couple of years.  How I live, what we eat, what I need to buy versus what I can make.  With three children and all the stuff that comes with that, our house got pretty cluttered, pretty fast.  It's time to stop just thinking and start the doing. 

I have taken a mental and physical inventory and really fell at this point in my life I know what I want and what I don't.  Taking an inventory like this I warn you all, takes bravery.  Courage to really listen to your own heart and hear what answers are.  Courage to be alright that what you think and feel even if it doesn't prove to be popular or conventional.  I was never one for convention anyways, but that is besides the point.

I think our culture has brought up this generation to feel like the more stuff they have, the more successful they are.  The bigger the house the happier you will be.  I too have fallen victim to that thinking and it was leading me somewhere that happiness would never be found.

I decided to figure out what makes me happy and what kind of impact on the world I am going to have in my lifetime.  What examples am I setting for the three little souls I am raising?

It took a few years.....yes, years people of thought and research to figure out exactly where I think I would be happy to live.  This choice is so different for everyone and I can't warn you enough that you should keep an open mind.  Don't limit yourself at all.  Think, ponder, research, travel, travel some more and when you find that place.....that place that you want to call home, don't be afraid to make it happen. 

I found my happy place and am in the works to make it all happen.  It takes time, planning, and careful consideration.

Dear Future Home,

I know this list is very  long and specific, but keep in mind that I am worth it.  The earth is worth it.  My kids are worth it.  Our health is worth it.  Happiness is worth it.

You will need to be a manageable space for my husband and I, energy-efficient, strong, uncluttered, full of sunlight, eco-friendly, affordable, sustainable, hurricane-proof, and by the coast.  

I want to spend more time outside so you must have a pool or water very close by.  I would like a yard big enough for the kids to run around and to grow a little garden.  I don't need to own acres and acres.  I just need you to be adequate for my needs.  

I want to work on relationships and have more quality time with family and less time taking care of you.  

Warmest wishes,
Mama Nic

I invite you all to follow me on this journey towards a simpler, intention, purposeful life.  I am falling love with the idea of less.  Less stuff and less stress and less money worries.  I am breaking free of your dream and am working towards mine!

 If you are interested in this topic and wish to follow me on Pinterest you can do so here.

All those people living in tiny houses are really on to something!  Let's just see where this takes me and I will share with you my process. 

Love, Peace, and Sandy Feet,
Mama Nic

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